Medical services

Sexually transmitted infections are infections that are transmitted from person-to-person during anal, oral, or vaginal sex; genital skin-to-skin contact, or when fluids are exchanged from one person to another. This can occur via direct contact with the fluid or through the mutual use of sex toys.
While lifestyle options are typically the least effective at preventing pregnancy—aside from abstinence—they are often the most cost effective. However, they might involve some planning or communication between sexual partners to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg. Lifestyle methods of birth control do not prevent against STIs, so be sure to use a barrier method if you are looking for protection.
These methods are considered permanent birth control or voluntary sterilization options because they involve a surgical procedure that’s generally difficult or expensive to reverse. Additionally, reversing this procedure does not ensure that your fertility will return to pre-procedure levels. And it’s important to note that these options do not protect against STIs.
These methods attempt to block sperm from fertilizing an egg, either with a physical barrier or a substance that lowers the ability for sperm to swim and meet an egg. Some options can also reduce the chance of contracting or spreading STIs.
There’s a plethora of birth control options to choose from when it comes to medication and LARCs. What is available in these categories differs based on whether they contain hormones, how often they must be taken or renewed, and their effectiveness rate. Hormonal options might contain estrogen, progestin (a form of progesterone), or a combination of the two. Estrogen prevents an egg from leaving the ovaries during ovulation. Progestin can also prevent ovulation and thickens the mucus in the cervix to prevent sperm from reaching the egg. However, it’s important to recognize that medications and LARCs do not prevent STIs.
Birth control (or contraception) is any regimen or medicine used to prevent pregnancy. Most birth control options are used by people with internal reproductive anatomy such as a uterus, vulva, and vagina, while only a few options are available for those with external reproductive anatomy such as a penis and testes. However, more research is being done to expand options for those with external reproductive anatomy.
Abortion is the process of terminating a pregnancy. This can be done through two different methods: medication abortion or an in-clinic abortion. The different types of abortion may be used in varying circumstances, such as how long it has been since the pregnant person's last menstrual cycle, their health history, their preferences, and what services are available in their area.

Hi Alice! 

First of all I would like to thank you for your work and help. Could you tell me, what is the significance of expensive food sensitivity tests based on IgG values? Most people receive a list of dozens of foods to eliminate from their diets without causing them any problems. I think it can lead to develop eating disorders or nutrient deficiencies. What do you think? Thank you so much for your opinion!

Dear Alice,

What is up with this new trend of putting food products like olive oil or avocado juice into hair? Is it more healthy than using shampoo?


Hair Freak