Liar, liar, pants on fire: Am I a pathological liar?

Dear Alice,

I AM A LIAR... I lie to my friends, I lie to my family, I lie to people I don't even know, but most of all, I lie to myself. Sometimes I catch myself telling a story to someone and actually believing myself when I made the whole ordeal up. Do I have a problem? Am I a pathological liar? How can I reverse my lies and come clean without hurting the people I love?


Dear Reader,

Truth be told, research on what’s commonly known as “pathological lying” is fairly limited. However, there does seem to be some differences between this kind of lying and telling the occasional whopper. Most significantly, pathological liars tend to have a lengthy track record of stretching the truth, doing so constantly and impulsively. There is also a mixed track record when it comes to the terminology. While some mental health professionals use pathological liar and compulsive liar interchangeably, others see them as distinct. In these instances, the delineation is that the former will have a clear motive for their chronic lying — usually to seek attention or admiration. However, the latter has no such motive; they can't control their lying nor can they make themselves stop, sometimes even after they’ve been called out or exposed. Whether or not this behavior is problematic depends a lot on how the lying makes you feel, what you lie about, and maybe even why you lie (more on this later). Fessing up may be challenging and could carry the risk of hurting the people you care about — but if it’s something you’d really like to do, it might help to engage in some self-reflection before you own up to the fibbing.

But first, to address the little elephant in the room: while lying is usually frowned upon in good company, it’s actually a pretty common social behavior. Some studies suggest that adults might lie in up to 20 percent of their social interactions! And people lie for all sorts of reasons: sometimes people lie to deceive or manipulate a situation to their advantage or to avoid negative consequences (such as cheating on an exam or a partner). Sometimes people also tell half-truths as a social courtesy, without any hurtful intentions or consequences (such as telling a friend you loved the itchy sweater they got you for your birthday). Lies might also be motivated by a need to maintain relationships or encourage cooperation, to reduce stress or embarrassment, or to compensate for traumatic experiences. All of this to say, Reader, is that most people lie at some point in their life.

So, when do a few tall tales start to qualify as “pathological?” Though clinical and psychological research on the topic is still limited, pathological lying affects between 8 and 13 percent of the population. Mental health professionals tend to distinguish pathological lying from typical fibs because it happens repeatedly, and the person lying might feel like they don’t have much control over it. People who lie pathologically often lie even if it benefits no one, including themselves — they may not even understand why they can’t tell the truth. This condition can also lead impaired functioning and runs the risk of damaging the liar’s reputation. One study found that pathological liars on average tell about ten lies per day, causing them distress as their lies grow more and more and they attempt to justify their behavior.

While frequent lying can be one of the many symptoms associated with other mental disorders, the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V-TR) doesn't actually list pathological lying or compulsive lying as a disorder itself. However, the aforementioned study determined that pathological lying does in fact meet the criteria to be considered a psychological disorder. In fact, the study argued that as long as the DSM-V fails to recognize pathological lying as a disorder, research on the topic will remain limited.

There has, however, been some research into whether some individuals could be predisposed to pathological lying. One study tested the prevalence of white matter — a tissue made up of nerve fibers that allow brain cells to rapidly send and receive messages — in the brains of pathological liars compared to antisocial individuals and neurotypical individuals. Those who lie pathologically were found to have an increase in white matter in the prefrontal cortex (along with other parts of the brain). Since this region controls our decision-making, it could be that this increase in white matter may be the cause for some individuals becoming pathological liars, though this is still just a possible explanation.

Though unconventional, even very frequent lying might not be psychologically harmful unless the behavior also causes the person a great deal of distress or significantly interferes with their daily life. You may ask yourself the following questions to get more clarity: Have you considered taking some time to think about how this behavior affects your day-to-day activities? What motivates you to lie? What do you think might happen if you tell the truth? Have there been any times when telling the truth has been particularly painful to you? Do you ever feel guilty or remorseful after lying? Are these feelings strong enough to disrupt your ability to interact with your family and friends, go to classes, or complete your work? You could even consider keeping a journal — the next time you catch yourself bending the truth, try to take notice of the specific situation or any emotions you feel. This kind of reflective exercise might help to reveal some clues or patterns that may get at the roots of your behavior.

As for coming clean, it’s difficult to predict how a confession might affect the people with whom you’ve been less than honest. Before you talk to them, it may be helpful to think about different ways they might react, and how you might feel as a result. Each situation is different — you may decide that some lies aren't worth mentioning (it might be okay if your friend still thinks you like that itchy sweater), while others really need to be set right. Only you can decide if and when it’s time to come clean. Remember that it’s natural to feel anxious about the negative impacts it may have on your relationships with family and friends. At the same time, consider that the damage may not be permanent, if there’s damage at all. Solid relationships can withstand setbacks; it’s possible that your loved ones could find ways to forgive and trust you again. When you’re ready to break the news, try your best to be kind and respectful, and understand that they may want some space to process everything. A sincere apology and patience can go a long way towards mending broken trust.

Finally, you could also consider seeking the help of someone you can trust, such as a clergy member or mental health professional, to talk about what you're going through. You’ve already made a big step in confronting yourself about this behavior, but you don’t have to go it alone! These folks might be able to help you explore some of the difficulties you’ve been having with telling the truth, as well as offer additional support and guidance as you move forward. If you’ve been keeping a journal, bringing this to your meeting may help you start that conversation. 

Originally Published
Last updated
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  • Compulsive liar- individuals who lie constantly with NO motive (eg. continue lying even after being exposed for not telling the truth). The nature of lying is in the name itself… it can’t really be stopped by the individual.
  • Pathological liar- individuals who lie constantly with a clear motive. Usually used to draw attention or admiration.


Source 1: Localisation of increased prefrontal white matter in pathological liars


This source studies the prevalence of white matter in pathological liars, antisocial individuals, and “normal” individuals. White matter is composed of nerve fibers, which allows brain cells to quickly send and receive messages. 


 The studies’ findings are summarized as follows:

  • Pathological liars have an increase in white matter throughout the brain compared to antisocial and normal controls.
  • An increase of white matter in the prefrontal region (which guide’s people’s decisions) may be the reason these individuals experience pathological lying 
  • Alternatively, other scientists argue that an increased practice of pathological lying increased white matter


Overall, more research is needed in this field to better understand abnormalities responsible for pathological lying.


Source 2: Pathological Lying: Theoretical and Empirical Support for a Diagnostic Entity


This source draws attention to how pathological lying is not recognized as a psychological disorder. There will be an attempt to determine whether or not it should be considered one. 


Though pathological lying is commonly referenced, there is little known about its occurrence by psychologists and psychiatrists. We do know that psychological lying is rare, occurring in 8-13% of people (within the bounds of the study). Likewise, it is attributed to distress, impaired functioning, and danger of damaging one’s reputation. 


On average, pathological liars in the study were found to tell about 10 lies per day, though this varies per person. Lying causes distress as individuals attempt to justify their ability to do so. Lies grow from smaller lies, indicating elements of compulsiveness. This leads to even more distress.


Overall, the study finds pathological lying to meet the criteria for a mental disorder. Without this recognition, research on this topic will remain limited.



When researching, I found that there are still very limited sources available over pathological lying. The same goes for compulsive lying. It appears from source 2, this is attributed to a lack of recognizing pathological lying as a mental disorder. Nonetheless, while not much is going to change from the previous response, there are a few details we can add. 


Looking at the intro, we can maybe more clearly define pathological lying (using the definition provided in the definitions section). We can also briefly define compulsive lying to make clear the differences, though research on this topic is also limited. This will help the reader better understand their possible condition. 


The second paragraph should be kept as it is.


Looking at the third paragraph, we should tie in the information found in source 2 as it is consistent with the concerns over a lack of recognition of pathological lying as a disorder. This way, the reader is kept up to date with what is known to occur with pathological liars. 


Adding a new paragraph, we can introduce source 1, which many blogs in my research appeared to reference. By running through the study, the reader can learn how pathological lying is maintained in relation to the brain. Using the source summary will be helpful. 


The remaining paragraphs, which appear to be reflective questions/advice, are appropriate for the reader to use. They should be kept.


Notes on research:

There was hardly any research on this topic. Usually, blogs would write on psychological lying in connection to the study summarized in source 1. After researching once again, there have not been any new studies to draw from.



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